Take 2

Turns out, I wasn't going to be in India quite as soon as I hoped to be.  After sitting on an airplane at BWI airport for a good 4 hours, my flight to Boston was cancelled, much to the dismay of the little boy behind me who wondered outloud, "Are we going to have to sleep on this plane??"  I flew into Manchester later that night, and luckily, had some very good friends who were willing to babysit and chauffeur me around for the next few days!  Because of roughly five thousand small details, I was not able to fly to Bangalore for a few days.  But thanks to a lot of people who were working to make sure I got there safely, I have a ticket for tonight, only two days after my original departure date.  On the bright side, I got to see and talk to a lot of friends that I otherwise wouldn't have!  And of course, two extra night's sleep is nothing to complain about.  But tonight I am flying to India!*  I feel like the longer I wait, the more I am going to appreciate the country.

*plans subject to change with little or no notice


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