Hello Love

I am catching a flight to London tonight, and from there I'm going straight to Bangalore, India.  Even after reading it in print and seeing my bags stacked next to me, I can hardly believe that in two days, I will be in a foreign country. And not just any country at that, but INDIA!  I have wanted to go there for as long as I can remember, collecting wooden elephants and buying sari material to drape over my windows in my bedroom.  Now, it's finally happening.  It seems to me that everything is more extreme there: the heat, the traffic, the wealth, the poverty, even the colors seem more vibrant.  I can't wait to find out if that's true.  Goodbye USA, hello love. :)  


  1. Well....hello love! Hopefully you are sitting in some nice cyber-cafe in downtown Bangalore reading this. I suppose you will have to give up your "jet lag down time" and get right to work with the rest of the team! Sorry for the ordeal that you went through to get there...but you handled it superbly!! We are looking forward to reading your blogs and getting a glimpse of the Indian people and culture through your eyes. Take care ...we love you!! pop

  2. i'm so glad you got picked to be on that india team, even though it means i'm going through UNBEARABLE anna-withdrawl right now. i'm praying for you (especially on thursdays ;) ) and i can't wait to hear the epochal stories of what God did through you allll the way in INDIA!


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