
Showing posts from March, 2014

housekeeping items

As usual, life is moving way too fast for me to experience, process, document, and record on this handy web log in a timely fashion.  So let me take a few minutes to catch up on some things that I haven't had a chance to write about yet (before I jump into my time in Morocco, which is really what is mostly on my mind).  I went to a yoga class.  Casual, right?  Except it was in a family friend's home studio, and ALL IN FRENCH.  Not so casual anymore.  I'm not exactly a yoga guru, but I love it, and I figured I could keep up by following the instructors so I was thrilled to go.  When I arrived, they greeted me with a smile, told me to take off my shoes, and handed me a mat.  The class began, and the very first thing the instructors (a husband and wife couple, by the way) said was close your eyes.  Well, there goes my last resort.  Either I learn French really quickly, or I look like a fool.  Not that that leaves me much of a choice.  But as we moved through the poses, I w

On the street where I live

The house.  It's pink with green shutters. Facing North-West The Jura mountains.  The Jurassic period in geology was named for the formation of these mountains, and I would argue that they are one of the Jurassic period's more impressive accomplishments.     Facing South  The French Alps on the other side of lake Geneva.  The highest (and brightest) peak in the background is Mont-Blanc.  The vineyards are a nice touch, yes? (unknown leafy greens) apple orchards Is the mud here prettier too, or is it just me?

thoughts on comfort, limits, and elevators

I don't really think I have an "adventurous soul."  I tagged that on to the name of this blog before I left for Switzerland because I wanted to be trendy and hipstery...who was I kidding.  But I just read it at the top of this blog and I don't think it's true.  In fact, I think I have more of an "I like to stay at home where I'm comfortable and can wear sweat pants" kind of soul.  So I've been thinking of new tag-lines. Journeys and Destinations:          "struggles of the comfortable soul to get out of the house"          "when being in my comfort zone beats being outside of it"          "only for the sake of reaching the destination"          "and a suitcase full of potential problems to worry about" I'm probably exaggerating a little, because I don't hate adventure.  Sometimes I enjoy it.  But sometimes I worry about it.  I worry about random things that may or may not happen, I worr