One of the most defining parts of a city is the proximity of shared spaces. There have been times when I've been so grateful for it, like when I start making a batch of cookies before checking to see if I have any eggs, and I can walk to the corner market and get a dozen and be home in five minutes. There have also been times when I've been less grateful, like when I lived next door to a makeshift mariachi band with regular late night jam sessions. But maybe the most poignant moment I've felt this so far in my life has been tonight. Last night, I stood on the balcony of my little two bedroom apartment and looked out past Lake Union up into the sky at the first full moon of 2019 and a total lunar eclipse. It was a miraculously crisp and clear night in Seattle, allowing me to carve out time with friends and companions and watch the whole eclipse, lasting a few hours from start to finish. I marveled at the universe and my small and so insignificantly significant place in ...