
Showing posts from September, 2014

A blog about the orange cheese

It was a Thursday. Nothing extraordinary could be said about the day in itself, until dinnertime rolled around. And actually, dinner itself was the way-above-average meal I had come to expect. But after I downed a dish of pasta, followed by a heaping plate filled with meat and an assortment of cooked vegetables, I was ready for the third and final course: cheese.   The cheese containter in the fridge was always stocked—sometimes with cheeses I had come to love, like gruyère, le tomme, and chèvre, and sometimes completely new types to try.   There were soft cheeses, hard cheeses, mild cheeses, smelly cheeses, and truffle cheeses.   But one was absent: orange cheeses.   That is why it came as such a surprise to me when, on this particular Thursday, I spotted a block of orange cheese in the cheese container.   As soon as it was discovered, the table was in uproar, with everyone talking all at once.   A niece, one of the younger generations who was less averse to American culture