Crazy Train: Part 2
After noisily and awkwardly hoisting my embarrassingly large bag onto a shelf about 5 feet above my head, I sat down to look around. Each “compartment” had two benches, facing each other, long enough to hold 3 people each. R pulled me aside and took me to the space between the train cars. Grinning, he said, “I want to show you something…just so you know.” He brought me into the bathroom and graciously explained how to properly lock the door, which I’m sure saved me from much embarrassment later on. I took a quick look around. It consisted of a hole in the floor of the train, and a bar to hold on to for dear life. The floor was wet. I forced myself to think it was because they had just hosed it down in preparation for the next trip. I was a little nervous about the lack of toilet paper, but later I realized that it wasn’t necessary. The draft created by a moving train evaporates any ...